If you find it impossible to relax and always feel wound up, you're not alone. It is happening more often and to more people. The problem is sensory overload, i.e., you are just getting too much input and your body can't cope with it all. Standing in line at the bank or coffee shop, there is a giant screen to keep you occupied and on the screen is the latest news being flashed across the screen, but as if that wasn't enough of a distraction, there is also a little text ticker scrolling across the bottom of the screen.
As you try to follow the news items you are distracted by the scrolling text and soon you are lost in a world of sound bites and news headlines written for their shock value. As you drive to the day care center to drop your child off, on your way to work, your child watches a video in the back seat and you hear it and are aware of it subliminally, while you also answer your cell phone and try to prepare for your day's work.
Some time after being bombarded by news and information all day, you try to settle down and meditate, to turn off the thoughts for a moment and just relax, but the thoughts don't stop and you just can't seem to get into meditation. Frustrated, you crawl into bed to try to fall asleep. For some people the struggle doesn't end there because of the television in the bedroom. On top of all this, some people just simply find it hard to sit still. If you can't relax, you're not alone, we live in a country and world of people who are on edge all the time.
But it doesn't have to be that way, in spite of all the ways your buttons are being pushed by a world that wants your attention and demands way too much of you, there is a simple way to relax. First of all, you must realize that your mind is in high gear and has been programmed to be racing along, trying to keep up. You can't turn the world off and for most people, turning off their brain is out of the question as well. Those neurons will keep firing and that is that.
However, there is a way to use that energy in a positive way. Your mind needs to keep busy, so instead of fighting, allow it to keep busy, in fact, it is a good idea to keep it busy, but you take control of what is flooding into your mind and senses. Remember the old saying, "fight fire with fire." In this case you are fighting information with information. Use the information provided by a guided meditation to stimulate the neurons in your brain to trigger the release of neuro-transmitters that actually soothe and calm the body. We all have powerful hormones and neuro-transmitters, chemicals that can slow the heart beat, promote deep, restful breathing, and even slow our thoughts.
A good, powerful guided meditation is scientifically designed to give your mind something to work on while triggers begin the relaxation process without struggling. There are many health benefits to meditation and other mind body techniques that have been proven by the National Institute of Health.